What Do You Do With It All?

Joe Van Cleve has a problem. It is a good one. He has too much stuff. No, he’s not a hoarder. He writes, he photographs, he writes poems, he typewrites, he keeps doing it and keeping it all. Binders and folders of stuff he’s created. Scads of stuff, he has scads of stuff. All filling up space. And he does not know what to do with it.

So he made a video explaining his problem and asking his viewers for their input. I gave some. I don’t think it will be helpful. But maybe it can be helpful, just a bit.

Watch the 10 minutes below for his description of his problem. How much of it do you understand? I’m looking at you photographers.

2 thoughts on “What Do You Do With It All?”

  1. Yeah, he’s trying to build up his YouTube presence. Didn’t you like his intro? 🙂
    But keeep going. It is an interesting bit about personal legacy.


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