After, it seems, a month I took off on another “big walk” to work up to my half marathon. A start of up to a horse in a horse ring and a free library with a warning about books being stamped with warnings. They were for reading, not for stealing for resale. Then I’d stop in at Plaid Pantry to pick up something to eat, just in case.
Road paving, which It sorely needed, was ongoing. This blocked cars from going through. Pedestrians were allowed and in an instance escorted. Complete with route suggestions and a warning that if “it started to beep, it’s backing up.”
On a whim, I decided to climb Mt. Tabor. It was the most arduous thing I’ve done so far. It didn’t look to be tough for others. Like cycling, I didn’t pass anyone. Not that on the edge of the morbidly obese person walking past me. Not a family of four. At the top of the mountain, there was a man walking with two canes and three
Taking Lincoln street it seems as if we went further down. Did I really climb that high?
Off I went through the flat lands. Thinking of pie. I stopped at Laureta Jean’s for pie. And then it was time for home.

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