Number 20 Complete

Yes, 20 booklets filled with writing. A rather long one this time, lots of skipping due to having a hunk of lung chopped out. I did, to my surprise complete four books. I wholeheartedly recommend all four.

And while I’m recommending, Morning Pages, from Julia Cameron, is also recommended. For people who want more creative work in their lives. It doesn’t need to involve writing or other things normally thought of as art. It does require commitment.

With the upper left node of my lung gone and I’m now 37 Days without a hospital visit. With both of those in place, I’m working on beating the 366 day streak. Yeah, yeah, I know that’s pretty normal. But for me, it’s big now.

1 thought on “Number 20 Complete”

  1. You’re so so kind. This morning pages practice is amazing by itself but considering what you’re doing in your life, it’s olympian. Sending love every minute. Thank you a jillion for the mention. It’s a huge honor to be mentioned here by you, my friend. LOVE.


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