If you have ever worked in a factory, you know the signs. X Days Since Last Accident. I’m going to add one of these to
my wall. X Days Until Last Hospital Vist.
It was 366 days since I was released from my TAVR/Heart_Attack/Stroke/etc visit. I was preparing to take my car into a mechanic, walk the six and a half miles home. It was part of my healing, rebuilding life.
And then I was up early, about 3:30. I coughed up something that didn’t feel right. So I spit into toilet paper. I will leave the description
Less than 24 hours later it was back. Jennifer called her friend Billy and he saved us a call to the ambulance. I’m back in. More consulets today. Probably surgery on Wednesday. We will see.
When I get home I’m putting the X Days Since sign. Shooting to keep it incrementing.

It has remarkable been determination to have lives so fully these last 366. Here’s to the next set of good days.