Saving OTP Pages

Somebody, somebody here, asked about storing One Typed Daily pages. Or maybe it was asked what does one do with these pages. It has been written. It was sent to Danial for “publishing” here. Then you have a piece of paper with daily thoughts on it. What to do then?

I, for one, keep them. And thanks to the asking of the question I now have most of them in a three-ring binder. The rest of them will be added when I find them. Hopefully, it will not be another saga of the library books.

Why do something like this?

First is being able to read them. This is not a case of my handwriting. Where reading whatever I wrote is pretty iffy. Not like the days in the hospital after having a stroke. Reading those pages – good luck. But now, well if I slow down and take my time I can read them. But anything typewritten is guaranteed to be readable.

Second is the intent. What did I write about? Sometimes I do not understand what I was writing about. But going back and reading them again I will get some understanding of what I was thinking about. Which can lead to even more things.

Next, it is mine. Even the worst of what I have written (and this applies to your writings and you) is a part of yourself. There are kernels of goodness lurking in these pages. Now I have them here to read again.

— MichaelRpdx

My wife got her second vaccine today. We are celebrating. Not the most conducive state of mind for writing.


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