
Rice, I am enjoying rice. Plain white rice is just doing it for me. Is it true that in China when they ask “are you hungry” the literal question is “have you had rice”? We keep plenty of rice on hand, and in plenty of varieties also. Bomba for paella. A short-grain for a sticky, chewy plate. Basmati rice for salads, at least for me. Red and black varieties for a very different flavor. Tonight we had jasmine rice, this one from Thailand. It had some company with deep-fried cauliflower and some tofu. They were both tasty, but neither of them held up to the rice.

Sometimes we make too much for ourselves. In the morning we put some out, the leftovers, for crows. They live it, they love it. Maybe not as much as popcorn. What can you expect from crows?

— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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